Once I was done hyperventilating and flipping out over how "Oh god I can't afford a new computer right now, what am I going to do?" I set to Googling and figured out that I could get a new hard drive for the price of $50, versus $1000+ for a new MacBook. After I left work, I headed to Best Buy to buy one (word to the wise, you can use basically any internal laptop hard drive that's 9.5mm tall in a MacBook), after borrowing the necessary screwdrivers from one of the mechanics at work (they have to be good for something), and almost bought a 40 on my way (to calm my nerves), but opted against it.
This is a step-by-step manual on how to replace a MacBook hard drive. I'm sure if you Google it, you can definitely find one that has better pictures and more technical advice, but screw it - I did it, I know enough!
You will need:
- MacBook (dead or not, does not matter)
- Internal hard drive that will fit (mine was a Western Digital ScorpioBlue, 250 GB)
- Torx T8 screwdriver
- Philips screwdriver, size 00 (AKA f'n small)
- Use a coin to unlock the battery from the back of your machine. Pull it out.
- Locate the metal memory cover and its' 3 Philips screws. Pull those out, and remove the memory cover, being careful not to bend it.
- Using your Torx screwdriver, remove the 4 screws on the hard drive's metal casing. Remove the old hard drive.
- Unwrap the new hard drive and set it into the casing. Replace the 4 screws.
- Slide the casing back into the laptop. I learned the hard way that the print on the drive should be facing down - if it's facing up, you're putting it in upside down and will have to gut your laptop more than once.
- Replace the memory cover, battery, and voila! Turn on the machine and check your work. You will need to start the computer from an OS CD and run Disk Utility. You will know if you were successful if the new drive shows up in Disk Utility.
- Format the new drive and reinstall your operating system.
See? Easy as pie! I didn't need that rosary OR that drink!
I need to do some major surgery on my iMac, it's so damn slow. Frustrates the hell outta me.
You could probably install some more RAM and it'd probably work better! Of course I can only go by what I know and say that the installation on a MacBook seems easy-peasy, so I would think a RAM upgrade would be easy on an iMac, too.
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