Thursday, February 28, 2013

30 Day Shred: Day 10 Update

Wow. I honestly cannot believe that 10 days have already passed since I started Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred. Considering when I started I just thought it would be a good idea to work out once a day, it has been different to know that when I get home from work, I have to work out before I can do anything else I have planned. And I haven't skipped a day, and it makes me so proud to say I haven't! If I would have wanted to skip one, I would have, but excuses don't get results, and this is one thing I have really held onto and kept going with. I am creating a new lifestyle for myself, and it feels great.

Along with the 27 minutes worth of working out every day, I have been using the MyFitnessPal app to keep track of what I'm eating, so that I don't just jam whatever I want in my face and not have to be accountable. I know they have a community of other people with forums, but I'm not really that good at keeping up with forums... so I'll come back to that, I think.

All in all, it has been a great experience. The first few days were HARD. It was hard to get up in the morning because my entire body HURT. It was hard to walk up and down the stairs at work (down was absolutely the worst). But from what I read, starting at around Day 3 or 4, it wasn't going to hurt so bad. And you know? It didn't. Yesterday was my 10th day of doing the workout, which means that I am officially done with Level 1! I start Level 2 today, though, which has me feeling like I'm going to wind up in a big ball of muscle pain for the next few days - but Rome wasn't built in a day, right?

The other day, I took a photo of where I'm at now (I didn't take measurements when I started and I don't own a scale - yet), and I can tell you that I can't really believe the difference. It doesn't feel that different, but it looks different, and that's good enough for me. I think I was pushing out my gut in the first one, but you get the idea!
If you're thinking of starting to work out, or even getting the idea and thinking of thinking to start a workout regimen, DO IT. I feel a hundred percent better than I have in a long time, and I can say that it's likely due to working out and not treating my body like garbage. You should try it!

Monday, February 25, 2013

Book Club Monday #18: This is Gonna Hurt by Nikki Sixx

This Book Club Monday is a little bit different. It’s on a book I haven’t just read, it’s on a book that is always my go-to when I need a little bit of help in the inspiration department. This Is Gonna Hurt: Music,Photography, and Life Through the Distorted Lens of Nikki Sixx is that book. 

I have been a fan of Motley Crue for as far back as I can remember, but the day that I picked up The Heroin Diaries, Nikki’s first book, and read it cover to cover in the matter of about two days was when I realized that he was inspiring. He has led a hard life, yes, sometimes by his own hand, but the fact that he has come out of it to create some of the most popular songs of the past few decades, has a successful radio show and is a successful photographer tells me that he must be doing something right. Of course, he hasn’t had a heart attack yet, either, which is pretty amazing considering the sheer amount of heroin in dude’s system in the late 80’s. 

This Is Gonna Hurt came out at the same time as Nikki’s second band, Sixx: AM, released an album of the same name. When it came out, I was going through a rough patch (must like the one I’m in currently), and needed something, anything, to help. Along with pictures of the homeless, prostitutes, burn victims and amputees are some of the most beautiful and inspiring words I have ever found.
Among those words are stories of the individuals in each photo, strewn throughout the world. Stories of heartbreak. Stories of depression. Pictures of individuals who have seen and been through the worst of life. All ugly by the world’s standards. And it all comes together in the most beautiful combination of words and photos I have ever seen. It makes you re-think what you see on a daily basis. How you treat people. How the world sees you. It is a very powerful book, full of photos and words I will never forget.
Words that make you want to get off of your ass and do a little bit more with your life. 

Words I needed, and still need, to this day. I picked this book up again last night and breezed through it in one sitting. I wouldn’t call it self-help, but reading this book is definitely a way to help yourself.

Women Connect: I Don’t Know How to Make Friends

Now, admittedly, this is a little silly, but true. 

For most of my life, I have had one or two good friends. Even though I don’t see them every day, I know they will always be with me (since we do have some miles separating us). But do you know what I’m missing? Friends I can actually hang out with and see on a regular basis. 

Part of it is my fault, I’m sure – I’m very much a homebody, someone who likes to make things, watch movies, and things like that. There are many people who can do this as well as having a burgeoning group of friends. 

As a kid, I suffered from social anxiety. I didn’t really want to be around people, and thus didn’t have a whole lot of friends like everybody else. As I grew up, I grew out of it, but I think the scars are still there.
Does that make me weird? Probably. The funny part about all of this is I actually really love people, I just don’t know how to meet them and build up the great relationships it seems like everyone has but me.

A few years ago, I thought I had a lot of friends… except these were only people I saw at the bar once a week, who never talked to me outside of it. Now that I don’t go to the bar nearly as often, it’s like I don’t exist. And if that’s the case, I feel okay about it. Someone told me the difference between ‘bar friends’ and ‘real friends’ once. And until you’ve lived it for yourself, it doesn’t make any sense. But let me tell you, there is a marked difference between the two. 

I don’t exactly know how I wound up in this place. Maybe it was too many years of being introverted and wanting to make things more than wanting to go out. And in a lot of ways, that’s what it feels like. 

I may not have many friends, but I have a lot to be thankful for in that I have a good job, business, family, and pets who I absolutely love. But that’s not all I need. Of course, there are a lot of successful people who don’t have a lot of friends but have a successful life. I think I would fit into this group.

When most people want to get out and meet people here in Wisconsin, they go to the bar. But where are you supposed to go when you’re over the bar life? How do you have those magic moments with people and wind up with lifelong friends? That’s what I’m trying to figure out.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Sunday Social Week 38: Taking It Back

Sunday Social

1. What was your biggest middle school fashion mistake?
In middle school, I had weird hair, but that won't ever beat this great hairstyle I had in high school:
"Who's that boy on the right?"
2. Who were your best friends in high school? Pics?
Laura was probably my best friend in high school. She's in the pic above, but there's a couple other good ones: 

3. What was a typical weekend like for you in high school?
Probably working at any of the several jobs I had in high school: McDonald's, a call center, and a bead store. 

4. Did you have any boyfriends/girlfriends? Tell us about that.
I had a few near misses, but nothing solid. Oh well.

5. Did you have any secret codes with your friends? Spill your secrets!
Not so much a secret code, but Laura and I had (and still have) a notebook called Da List, which is basically our version of the Burn Book from Mean Girls.

6. If you could relive one day/moment/experience from middle school or high school, what would it be?
The pep rallies were pretty fun. Other than that, I would probably relive my senior year in order to try a bit harder and do better. 

Next week is Top 5s! Stop back!

Monday, February 18, 2013

30 Day Shred: Day 1

I have always been pretty comfortable with my body. Sure, like anybody else, I would tweak this or that, but overall I have been happy. I have never been smaller than a size 10, and I'm okay with that. I'm usually closer to around a 12, and it's fine with me. But, with how blah I've been feeling lately, I decided to shake things up. Of course, I wasn't aware it would give me jelly legs, make stairs difficult, and make me climb into bed at 9:00 PM, but it did. Tonight, I started Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred.
Like I said above, I have never been a huge fan of working out in any way, shape, or form. I don't know exactly what flipped in me that made me want to try it, but I did. And let me tell you, it's definitely going to make some changes in my body if I already feel every little movement. Of course, that could just be the fact that I haven't really worked out in many years, but that's incidental.

If you don't know about it, the 30 Day Shred is a workout grouped into three levels at around twenty minutes each, with each level representative of ten days of the program. The DVD was relatively cheap (around ten bucks at Target), and so were the hand weights (around five bucks each at Target - I went with 3 pound ones), and I figured I didn't have much to lose - except maybe some pounds and inches.

All I can say about it is I definitely needed a little of this when I was finished. I can't wait to see what kind of results I wind up with! Wish me luck!

Women Connect: The Types of Blogger I’m Not

I’ve had a particular idea for a blog post in the back of my mind for awhile now, and it comes to the forefront now and again, when I don’t expect it. When I read about From Mrs. to Mama’s Women Connect writing project last night, I thought it would be the perfect time to put my thoughts together.

When I started my blog, now almost two years ago, I looked at a lot of the other, bigger blogs for inspiration. I saw a lot of beautiful photos, perfect outfits, perfect families and perfect lives. While I knew that it was very far from the person I was, I decided to throw my hat in the ring and try my hand at this whole blogging thing, my way. What they don’t tell you is how frustrating it can be. To look at all of these beautiful things, and then at your own life and your own home, knowing that that will never be you, is frustrating. Looking at your own blog every day, seeing the number of followers is the same as it ever has been and being excited to hit a hundred views in a day, is a little bit frustrating because you know that it could be so much better, if you could only figure out how to be as popular as everyone else. 

It all seems easy – write about your life, post photos of your home, your outfits every day, everything. But it isn’t. Sometimes, it is so difficult to come up with a good post idea that hasn’t been done a hundred times before. I have always been someone who plays life close to the chest – I don’t reveal much of anything to anybody unless they ask. I’m working on it, though. I’m not a person who puts a whole lot of weight on what I wear every day, so I haven’t ever made an outfit post and may not ever. That and my clothes don’t really matter to me. It’s just clothes, nothing else. So when I wear the same jeans two or three days in a row, the same boots every day in a week, and tops I have either thrifted or have had for five years, it doesn’t seem exciting enough to post. 

So, to be honest, I am still trying to figure out where I fit in the blogosphere. I read something kind of funny the other day on Hipstercrite, relating to ‘throwing her hands up and becoming a fashion blogger’. And I totally understand where she’s coming from! Every ‘fashion blog’ I have ever seen is just that. Photos of random girls in outfits with a tagline saying where all their clothes are from and how much they cost. Perfectly made up, perfectly put together. It isn’t hard to do, I’m sure; it just feels a little bit contrived. 

When I sit and think of all of the bloggers I’m not, the list is fairly short. 

I am not a fashion blogger.

I do not have a perfect home. 

I do not have a perfect husband or children. I’m not sure I even want children.

And I don’t feel like everyone else.

I’m not blindingly happy every day of my life, and I don’t think I ever will be. 

All I can do is live the best life I can, and write it as I see fit. Imperfections included.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Sunday Social Week 37: Valentine's Day

Sunday Social

I've taken a couple week break from the Sunday Social posts, mostly because I've been out of town the last two weekends for various reasons! But - here we go with questions for week 37 - all questions about Valentine's Day!

1/2. What is the best/worst Valentine's Day you've ever had?
I can't picture a Valentine's Day I've had that was the best or worst since it isn't really something I celebrate! Last year I did see City and Colour during Valentine's week, so that was pretty fun!

3. What did you do for Valentine's this year?
Worked all day and hosted a special Valentine's Day themed trivia show at night. I played bad 80's ballads and other assorted songs with love in the title. 

4. What is your best Valentine's idea if you're single?
Going to Target the day after Valentine's and buying candy on sale. This year I bought a giant chocolate fish!

5. What is your favorite Valentine's candy?
This year, probably the Fun Dip Mystery Flavor! I think the flavor is either orange or kiwi-strawberry.

6. Favorite Valentine's memory from your childhood?
Making Valentine boxes in my classes in elementary school, and buying the perfect valentines to exchange with my classmates. 

Next week, Sunday Social revisits middle and high school! Feel free to check back!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

BzzAgent Campaign: Glade Expressions Collection

If you follow me on Twitter or Facebook, you'll know that I've gotten involved in something pretty cool, which is a company called BzzAgent. You take surveys, and BzzAgent matches you up with 'Campaigns' for new and upcoming products. You get a BzzKit of either the product itself or a coupon to go and get the product at a local store, and they give you several tasks and you complete them to earn points for more campaigns. It sounds like a lot of work, but it's fun! This is my first BzzAgent blog post - and I will say that I received the item at no charge due to the aforementioned facts.

With the times changing and everything modernizing, of course Glade Plug-Ins aren't going to be around forever. As with everything else, Glade needed to figure out new products. They did just that with the Glade Expressions Collection. The Collection is one of two different things, a refillable spray or an oil diffuser. 

The sprays come in handy in situations like around a litter box or in a bathroom, but the oil diffusers look wonderful on a bookshelf or somewhere in plain sight - it looks stylish and beautiful, and goes with any decor. It doesn't even look like an air freshener, and I think that's the part I like the most about it. That, and their scents are wonderful.

The Glade Expressions Collection comes in Cotton & Italian Mandarin, Fuji Apple & Cardamom Spice, Lavender & Juniper Berry and Pineapple & Mangosteen. All hip, new scents to go with a great new product!

To make a long story short, I would definitely recommend the Glade Expressions Collection for use in your home as I've used it in mine. 'Like' An Epic Liz on Facebook to get some coupons for the items that I'll be posting shortly!

These Damn Winter Blues

As most of you know, I live in Wisconsin. It's cold here about five months a year - okay, I get it. I'm not one to complain about the fact that it's cold, or it's snowing, or be one of those. After about four months of that bitter cold, though, something in me just snaps. I don't want to do anything. Don't want to write, don't want to communicate or do much of anything. I just want to get home from work every day, microwave a bunch of pizza rolls, sit on my couch and do absolutely nothing but eat, hang out with my cats, and watch episode after episode of Law and Order: SVU on Netflix.

That isn't bad, though, right? Every once and awhile we all have to let go and just let life pass us by - not that we have to like it. It happens to everybody. Everybody gets bummed out and depressed at one time or another. For me, it is something that comes and goes. Sometimes, I am fairly certain it has everything to do with the weather. If we could all go full-boar all year long, and never have an emotional hiccup or trip up along the way, we would, first off, be much more productive and efficient, but we wouldn't be human.

We got our first 'big' snow of the year last week in Milwaukee, which was around five or six inches. I had to plow snow and spend the rest of the next day downing soda and candy like it was going out of style just to stay awake, but it was different. It wasn't just bitterly cold outside; it was a change of scenery.

Last night, for example, I decided to take a break from eating nothing but pizza rolls for dinner, and go to the bar where I host trivia on Thursdays for their Monday night taco special - $1.75 for beef and $2.25 for chicken tacos. This went hand in hand with their domestic tap beer special, which was all of $1.50 a pint. Their tacos are so good for something so simple! I decided to call up one of my work buddies and for about $6.50, I did something I wouldn't have usually, if not for wanting to do something different. And it felt good!

If I could attempt to have a change of scenery every day, and be better at just being human and accepting these feelings I get every year, I might just make it through these damn winter blues.

Have you ever dealt with these kinds of feelings? What are your surefire ways to combat them?
