Monday, October 3, 2011

Hey... is this thing on?

In case you haven't noticed, I took another brief break from blogging - say that five times fast. In any case, I'll put the long and short of what I've been up to below, and then return to my regularly scheduled blogging in full force - I hope.

Throughout the past month or so, I have...
  • Dyed my hair bright, candy apple red.
  • Seen one of my best work friends get married.
  • Brought my laptop back from the dead (again).
  • Taken back my job as a part-time bar trivia host.
  • Finished or worked on a lot of knitting projects.
  • Drank a lot of beer.
  • Had one of my favorite people visit me in Milwaukee with her husband.
  • Fallen in love with music all over again.
  • Had my favorite weekend of the year - the Milwaukee tattoo convention.
  • Attempted crafts I never have before.
  • Rented a Kindle from the Milwaukee Public Library in an attempt to thwart my hatred of e-reading.
And tons of other stuff! I'll see what I can do to cover all of it in short order, so everyone can go back to reading my blog with this look on their faces:

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