As much as we like to think we know what's coming, or what's going to happen, we don't. Everything was planned out, I had a future to plan for... and it was all taken away from me.
Now, I'm back to the drawing board, back to being by myself and trying to re-create a life I can be proud of. While I don't place blame or wish ill will, it just isn't the right time for us right now. I still have a lot of love in my heart for what used to be. Whether there is a future or not, only time will tell - all I know is that it will not be an easy road.
Please be patient with me while I find my voice again. In the week since this has happened, I have been doing a lot of thinking, a lot of soul-searching.. and even a little bit of crafting. Trying to re-build a life on my own, rather than a life with another person.
Thank you so much for continuing to read, and continuing to care. I appreciate it more than you know - and this is definitely not the 50th post I was expecting to celebrate.
I wish all the best to you <3
xo. Nicole
Please be patient with yourself as well ;) Some things just don't go as planned, some things just need time. Good luck anyway!
Thank you both so much for your kind words. They are definitely so, so appreciated and every day I wake up gets a little bit brighter. :)
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