Monday, July 16, 2012

Book Club Mondays: UR

This week, I didn't have time to read an entire book - but I figure I've been doing pretty well at a book a week for a long while - I decided to take a break and read a short story instead - Stephen King's UR. I found it on my Kindle, and as far as I know, you can only get it on a Kindle - for a special reason, of course!

UR is about a man named Wesley, who, when trying to get through a nasty breakup, decides to order a Kindle online. A large contributing factor to his breakup with his girlfriend Ellen was his love of books, so it was a purchase of spite. He gets it and notices something pretty obvious - it's pink and definitely not what he ordered. Thinking it was a fluke, he decides to keep it, and when exploring it, finds the Experimental area of the menu, and the Ur section. Many authors he loved had many unpublished works there, and he continued to explore until he realizes that the pink Kindle's Ur Local section allows him to see into the future, and realizes that someone close to him will die without his intervention.

If you are expecting a balls-to-the-wall, regular old Stephen King work, this isn't for you. It is a short narrative, which some have called an advertisement for the Kindle. Though, of course, in a way it is. Stephen King also has a history - Tommyknockers, anyone? - of writing about current events, specifically those technology related. If you are however interested in reading a great little narrative, UR is definitely all yours.

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