Thursday, September 27, 2012

(Still) not dead, but an update...

Have you ever noticed how fast life moves? Before your eyes, in the blink of an eyelid, everything changes. Sometimes for the better, sometimes worse. Feelings change and so do people, as quickly as the seasons.

You can't place blame in a breakup, because really, sometimes two people just grow apart instead of together, which is the case in the situation I find myself in as of Monday. You wake up one day and your feelings are different, through no fault of your own. It sucks, and it can hurt, especially since you're tearing down a house two people built together essentially - but at some point, you have to live for yourself and not someone else - especially when it isn't working.

Amongst all that, I've accepted a new job where I work, running the office. Still working part time as a trivia host at night and running a business on the weekends and whenever possible with my knitting and other crafts.

Suffice to say, I'm exhausted! Although, the best advice I can give right now is pretty simple...

Look good and feeling good will come right along.

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